Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to Science in the Tropics must within Focus and Scope, and Author Guidelines of this journal. Those manuscripts must have novelty and no malpractices.

Manuscript must be written in good English. Authors who are coming from non-native English speaker are highly recommended to send their manuscript to professional proofreader before submitting.

Authors must avoid the plagiarism, and they are encouraged to check the plagiarism with similarity check software. Editors also will check the similarity index with Turnitin. Science in the Tropics only accept manuscripts with similarity index less than 15%.

The research manuscripts submitted to this online journal will be peer-reviewed at least 2 (two) reviewers. Double-blind review is applied, where authors or reviewers' identities are are kept confidential. Final decision of the submitted manuscript is made by Editor based on reviewers’ critical comments.

Publication of accepted articles including the assigning the article to the published issue will be made by Editor in Chief by considering the sequence of accepted date.


Reviewer's Guideline

1. Please login as reviewer
2. Please judge the article based on below criterions:

- Is the article within the scope of the journal? 
- Does the article contain enough original results for publication? 
- Is the article technically sound and free of errors? 
- Is the article clearly and concisely presented and well organized? 
- Is the abstract informative and mentions the content and conclusion? 
- Are the illustrations good enough and understandable? 
- Is the quality of the language is good enough for publication?

3. Reviewer can give comment through system, or upload the commented file
4. After finish the review, please recommend the decission:
- Accept Submission (without revision)
- Revisions Required/Minor revisions, since reviewer found no substantial mistake on the manuscript
- Resubmit for Review/Major revisions, since reviewer found a substantial mistake(s) on manuscript but the author(s) is given a chance to revise
- Resubmit Elsewhere, since the manuscript did not meet the scope of Science in the Tropics
- Decline Submission (Reject), since reviewer found some substantial mistakes on manuscript and reviewer percieved that hard for the author(s) to revise